CallVibrate makes your iPhone vibrate when a called person answers the phone

  Although in Android OS or Symbian OS there is the option to set the phone to vibrate or display a flashing light when the called person answers the call, but in iOS there is no such thing. Although Apple natively did not implement such functions for our iPhones, a tweak called CallVibrate available from last night in Cydia offers us the possibility to be notified when a called person answers the phone. You basically install the tweak in your iDevices and it works immediately, and when someone answers a call initiated by you, the terminal will vibrate.

   The tweak was designed for people who have the habit of doing several things at once and sometimes initiate calls but take the phone from their ear and let the interlocutors talk by themselves for a few seconds. CallVibrat is available for $0.99 in Cydia's BigBoss repo.