Apple could lose the patents that protect the technology that allows turning the pages in books in iOS

  During the last year ca patent has been registered to the Apple company that protects the system that imitates in iOS the turning of a book page. Many people questioned the possibility of patenting something like this, Apple now has 2 patents for this technology, but an anonymous entity contests their validity. The US Patent and Trademark Office has received an anonymous request to reverify Apple's patents, this reverification may lead to the suspension and later cancellation of patents.

  The intention of the anonymous entity is to invalidate these patents before they can be used in lawsuits directed against Android terminal manufacturers, but we have to wait a few months for a final result. Apple recently suspended a patent for the iPhone that was granted to Steve Jobs, and it would not be excluded that the patents for the page-turning technology in iOS would receive a similar treatment, if it turns out that they should not have been granted made.