MesaVibrate adds a new effect to the LockScreen in iOS 7

  Table vibrate is a new tweak available in Cydia from last night, and with its help we can implement an interesting effect for the LockScreen iOS 7. Specifically, the tweak will run a vibration every time touch IDacquis in iPhone 5S will refuse to accept a fingerprint scanned through the Home button. Normally iOS 7 it only displays the alert message in the image above, without running any vibration, and the introduction of this affect is a useful thing because that way we will be warned that the terminal has not been unlocked if we try to unlock it without looking at the screen.

Requires iOS 7. Vibrates when a fingerprint is rejected at the lock screen. Requires iPhone 5s.

  Table vibrate it is available for free in the repo BigBoss al Cydia.