CCDock brings the Control Center to the iOS 7 dock

  CCDock is a tweak available since last night in Cydia, and with his help we can reposition control CenterCPC iOS 7 in the Springboard dock of our iDevices. As you can already see from the image above, CCDock replaces the applications displayed in the dock iOS 7 with the settings sections that the Control Center normally makes available to us when we access it.

CCDock is an awesome Tweak that allows you to have Control Center in your Dock! You can swipe through the different Sections of Control Center in your dock view. It supports the iPhone as well as the iPad. It works on iOS 7 only and has 64bit as well as 32bit compatibility. It works with Auxo 2, CCLoader, FlipControlCenter and other Tweaks.

  Although the idea itself is extremely interesting, the bad part of this change is that you will completely replace the iOS 7 dock with what you see in the image above until the CCDock functionality is disabled. Although the developer promises to improve the functionality in future versions of the tweak, until they appear we are only left with a completely new dock with a different functionality.

  CCDock is available at the price of $1.49 in the repo BigBoss al Cydia.