iPad Air 2 does not amaze in the first graphics performance tests

  The iPad Air 2 puts the Nexus 9 and Samsung Galaxy Note 4 to shame in the processing power performance tests, but the same cannot be said for the graphics card performance tests of Apple's new product. As you can see from the images in this article, the iPad Air 2 hands down surpasses competing Android terminals, but is outdone even by iPhone 6 in one of the tests done using gfx bench.

  The differences between the iPad Air 2 and the Nexus 9 aren't that big, in all cases, now as in the case of processing power and the higher resolution of the screen speaks for itself when it comes to complex games. Practically, the iPad Air 2 is without question the fastest mobile terminal on the planet at the moment, but in some tests regarding the performance of the graphics card it is even surpassed by an Apple product, more precisely by the iPhone 6.