Here's how you can quickly find out which songs Siri has recognized for you

  iOS 8 Siri allows us to identify songs through an interconnection with the software on which the Shazam application works, simply opening the assistant, running a command and pointing the terminal's microphone to the sound source will tell us the name of the song. If you've ever wondered how you can find out what songs it has identified in the past Crab for you, well here is a very simple method to do it, even without activating Siri.

   All you have to do is access the iTunes Store application available in your terminals, press the button at the top right of the screen and then choose the Siri section. In this section you will have all the recognized songs listed, even if you have bought them or not, accessing the iTunes Store link from the Siri interface is not necessary, the saving is done automatically with the idea of ​​convincing users to buy the songs even at once future