NinType, or how you can write 130 words per minute on the iPhone (Video)

NinType is a keyboard recently launched in the App Store for iPhone terminals, and if you have found yourself looking for a third-party keyboard that allows you to write over 100 words per minute, well, it can help you.

NinType it is presented in the video clip above and there you can see how well its developer manages to quickly write almost any kind of phrases using it on an iPhone terminal, and with a little practice you will do exactly the same thing. Unlike other third-party keyboards available in the App Store, NinType allows users to combine taps with swipes and shortcuts to allow them to type extremely fast.

Transform your iPhone or iPad into a highly productive device where you can actually type relatively quickly with it – so writing emails, reports and articles are much nicer, because you can type faster on the iPad/iPhone than most people can on a desktop keyboard! This notes app comes with a 3rd party keyboard, which is most probably what you're after.

As you can see from the video clip above, the keyboard contains support for simultaneous swipes with both hands, so we can use various combinations of this kind to quickly enter words. The keyboard is designed to learn from what we write, so as we use it more it will be able to better predict what we write, but as we learn new gestures we will be able to write any kind of words.

The NinType keyboard is available in universal format in the App Store.

Initial price:
nin type



Developer: Jormy Pty Ltd
Category: Utilities

Description: Transform your iPhone or iPad into a highly productive device where you can actually type relatively quickly with it – so writing emails, reports and articles are much nicer, because you can type faster on…

The size of the application is: 50.1 Mb