Instagram has 300 million monthly active users

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  Instagram is the most popular mobile service for sharing photos, and during this day the company owned by Facebook announced the achievement of a record number of users in the last month. Conformable Instagram, more than 300 million active users use the application for mobile terminals at the moment, the number of users increasing by no less than 50% in the last 9 months, so we are talking about an increase of 100 million users.

  Based on this data, Instagram has now more active users than Twitter, which announced the existence of 284 million monthly active users, so we are talking about an extremely important achievement for a not so old company. With 300 million monthly active users, Instagram also records 70 million photos uploaded daily to its service, so over 2.1 billion photos per month, a figure that represents almost a third of the total population on the globe.

  If we add the figures announced by Instagram with those of the Facebook application which has 500 million monthly users and with those of the WhatsApp messenger application which has 600 million monthly users and with those of Facebook Messenger which has 500 million monthly users, then Facebook can announce an audience of 1.9 billion monthly active users in its systems. Of course, in reality the number of unique users for all 4 services is probably half, but even so, the systems are used by almost 2 billion users every month.