ThinnerBanners reduces the size of iOS notification banners

ThinnerBannersThinnerBanners is a new tweak al Cydia available since last night for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touches, and with its help we can change the sizes of the notification banners displayed by applications in the operating system interface iOS 8.

ThinnerBanners is designed to remove the grabber that allows us to pull down a notification to quickly respond to a message without opening the respective application and removes various other elements to make the notification as small and thin as possible.

ThinnerBanners is a simple tweak that removes the grabber and the space it occupies from banners, which is a minimal difference but it looks much better! Upon installation your banners will only show the needed info without the unnecessary grabber. No options to configure.

ThinnerBanners implements its changes right from the moment of installation, and the only way to remove them is to uninstall the tweak. ThinnerBanners is available for free download from Cydia's BigBoss repo.