Microsoft Word, Excel and Powerpoint updates bring a multitude of novelties

Microsoft Word Excel Powerpoint iOSMicrosoft Word, Excel and Powerpoint are the applications from the Office suite launched by the Microsoft company in the App Store, they are being updated during this day with a series of novelties that we will talk about below.

In the case of all three applications, Microsoft has implemented the same changes and we are talking about: support for the Arabic, Thai and Hebrew languages, the possibility to view protected documents, the option to invite people to edit documents and finally the possibility to share documents as attachments with Microsoft Outlook.

  • Bi-directional and complex script languages: now supports bi-directional text editing and complex script for Arabic, Hebrew, and Thai.
  • View protected documents: open and view documents that have access permissions applied to them. 
  • Easier sharing: invite people to edit a document and grant them permissions, all from within the app.
  • Integration with Outlook: send a document as an attachment in Outlook. Or directly edit a document attached to or linked from an Outlook email message.

Applications Word, Excel si PowerPoint are available for free download, in universal format, from the App Store.