1 million dollars for iOS 9 jailbreak

1 million dollars for iOS 9 jailbreak1 million dollars for 9 iOS jailbreak, this is the offer that an operating system vulnerability acquisition platform makes for all hackers interested in getting rich with an iOS exploit.

Zerodium is the platform in question and it is willing to pay 1 million dollars for one iOS 9 untethered jailbreak developed by a hacker and sold privately to her, without being released publicly.

Those at Zerodium are waiting for no less than 3 solutions from iOS 9 untethered jailbreak created by hackers and are willing to pay up to 3 million dollars for each hacker or hacker team that develops such software exclusively for them.

Unlike companies in China that pay hackers to develop public solutions jailbreak, those at Zerodium pay 1 million dollars for exploits that will never reach users around the world, so they are looking for exclusivity to be able to use the exploits indefinitely.

The Million Dollar iOS 9 Bug Bounty is tailored for experienced security researchers, reverse engineers, and jailbreak developers, and is an offer made by ZERODIUM to pay out a total of three million US dollars ($3,000,000.00) in rewards for iOS exploits/jailbreaks.

Until now, three teams of hackers have announced that they are developing iOS 9 jailbreak, they are: TaiG, Pangu and K33n Team. Each of them has developed jailbreak solutions in the past and is perfectly capable of doing it now, so we're in for an interesting fall.

Despite the offer made by Zerodium, we will definitely see an iOS 9 jailbreak released for the general public and I think that it could be released in the course of next month, if it is not expected to appear first iOS 9.1 for publishing exploits that will definitely be closed by the Apple company.