iOS 9.2.1 vs iOS 9.3 beta 7 - performance comparison

Given that iOS beta 9.3 7 was launched last night, now we see a comparison with iOS 9.2.1 when it comes to the general performance of the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touches, it has the role of showing us how Apple thought about the change for our terminals.

As you can see from the comparison between iOS 9.2.1 and iOS 9.3 beta 7 made on iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPhone 5S, iPhone 6 and iPad Air, the latest version of the operating system works harder than iOS 9.2.1 in various tasks, in others the results are completely different.

On older terminals iOS 9.2.1 will be faster than iOS 9.3 beta 7, as expected, but on newer terminals the differences between the two versions of the operating systems are not as great as you might think, the performances being extremely close.

Given that iOS release 9.3 is going to take place next week, everything we see now we will also receive when the final version of the operating system will be available to us from the Apple company, so it would be good to get used to them.