The iPhone's market share decreased in Q1 2016

iPhone market share registered a substantial decrease in Q1 2016 compared to Q1 2015, the lower sales of the Apple smartphone still maintaining the American company on the 2nd place in the top 5 smartphone manufacturers globally.

According to Apple, 51.2 million iPhone terminals were sold in Q1 2016, 10 million less than in Q1 2015, iPhone market share falling to 15.3% compared to 18.3% in Q1 2015, the percentage decrease being 16.3%, quite high if we look at the rest of the competitors.

The market share of those from Samsung decreased by only 0.6% in Q1 2016 compared to Q1 2015, the Koreans sold only 500.000 fewer smartphones, so the difference is small, but here we are only talking about sales estimates and not about figures reported by the company.

In contrast to Apple and Samsung, Chinese producers had a phenomenal T1, sales of those from Huawei growing by 58.4% from 17.4 million units to 27.5 million units, Oppo having by far the best performance, with a 153.2% increase in sales, from 7.3 million units to 18.5 million units.

Despite the plethora of new features found on the newer "S" models, current iPhone 6/6 Plus owners may feel that a 6S upgrade may not be warranted at the moment. Apple also announced the new iPhone SE, which looks to challenge similarly priced Android options in numerous emerging markets where Apple has traditionally been seen as too expensive.

Of the top 5 smartphone manufacturers in Q1 2016, only Apple and Samsung recorded sales declines, but Apple suffered the biggest loss, the percentage being even higher than the average of the rest of the smartphone manufacturers, and that says a lot many.

Although in total smartphone sales increased by only 500.000 units in Q1 2016 compared to Q1 2015, the Chinese are the ones who had the most to gain, they managed to steal customers mainly from the Apple company, which is not it will stop here.

iPhone T1 2016 market share