Google Assistant – Google's new virtual assistant

Google Assistant was presented this evening during Google I/O 2016 by the American company and we are talking about a natural evolution of the platform Google Now towards one that is capable of having conversations with users and acting on the basis of questions and answers.

Just like in the case of Google Now, Google Assistant it is able to respond to user commands, but the latter can ask multiple questions during a conversation with the assistant, and the assistant will understand what kind of answers to give during a conversation.

Google Assistant it can even be used in chats, the service being practically a kind of chat bot that can also be used outside of the applications that users have installed, complementing the functionality that Google Now currently offers.

If Facebook launched chat bots for the Messenger platform, those from Google had to come up with something similar for their own users, so now Google Assistant will compete with Facebook chat bots for the attention of companies and users.

Think of the assistant, we think of it as a conversational assistant, we want users to have an ongoing two-way dialogue. Think of the assistant of an ambient experience that extends across devices. Computing evolving beyond phones.