Facebook Messenger allows the use of multiple accounts

Facebook Messenger finally rewards the use of multiple accounts in the dedicated iPhone or iPad application, those from Facebook implementing this system in Android many months ago, it being finally available on the iOS platform with a functionality identical to that offered on the Google platform.

Practically, starting from the last days the users Facebook Messenger can use several Facebook accounts to have conversations with any kind of people active in the social network, adding accounts can be done extremely simply from the settings menu of the messaging application.

In the image below you can see how easy it is to add Facebook accounts in the Facebook Messenger application to have conversations, switching from one to another is done very quickly, by simply selecting them from the interface through which they can be added, the whole option being very intuitive.

Many people use this system on the Android platform, and for Instagrem there has been a similar system for a long time that allows the use of multiple accounts, so we are only talking about a normal extension of the availability of this system to other products that the Facebook company maintains.

facebook messenger multiple accounts