Pokemon GO could have Pokemon Dracula in Romania

Pokemon GO, the most popular game of the moment in the whole world, could have a special character Pokemon Dracula, this of course if the idea of ​​an advertising agency from Arad will materialize, and personal will be included by those from Niantic in the game distributed in several dozen countries around the globe.

The idea of ​​including a Pokemon Dracula in Pokemon GO it occurred to an advertising agency director from Arad, he found a bat in front of his agency headquarters and immediately making the association with the famous game, he thought of initiating a campaign that could bring us the first authentic Romanian pokemon.

He wrote to the prime minister Ciolos of Dacia regarding his idea, but he also sent an email to the Niantic company to see if the inclusion of such a pokemon in the game is possible, and if this happens, then Romania will be properly represented in Pokemon GO.

I saved a bat from the front of the company and mixed it with this global phenomenon, Pokemon Go, and I thought how it would be if Romania got involved in the creation of an authentic Romanian character, to be located only in Romania and only in certain places.

Pokemon Dracula in Bran Castle

pokedraculaThe idea behind it Pokemon Dracula is to attract players Pokemon GO in Romania with the help of a pokemon that should appear only in Transylvania, maybe only in Bran Castle, or in other locations in the area, as he is a pokemon that can only be caught in our country.

It could be right in Bran Castle, to visit the castle, to catch the characters... I think we would help to develop tourism, that is, to catch the character, you should visit Bran Castle, to find an aquatic character, to visit the Black Sea .

To be completely honest, I think one Pokemon Dracula located only in Romania will attract enough users Pokemon GO, at least from the vicinity of our country, and those who live in Romania will be all the more interested in visiting the beautiful places that our country has.

Of course, to place one Pokemon Dracula in Pokemon GO a collaboration with Niantic is necessary and, probably, the payment of a sum of money for the implementation of the entire project, but I believe that the Romanian Government has the necessary resources to do this and many will benefit from it.

What do you think about Pokemon Dracula?