Apple is investigating the first exploded iPhone 7

Apple is investigating the case of the first exploding iPhone 7 Plus to find out what caused the battery to swell during delivery to the customer.

The other day I told you about a first case of one 7 iPhone Plus which would have exploded while being delivered to a customer in the USA, but of course nothing has confirmed the theory. The images of the burnt box and the destroyed iPhone 7 Plus terminal made the rounds of the Internet and even reached the attention of the Apple company, which started an investigation in this regard.

Those from Apple contacted the person who published the images below, stating that the iPhone 7 Plus terminal was delivered to him like this, the box having a serious hole in the lower part. Apple did not comment on the situation, but it seems that it will replace the man's terminal without charging him any money, as is normal in situations of this kind.

However, looking at the images, we can see that the problem does not seem to be that simple, the way the terminal box is destroyed, but also the casing raising many question marks. The terminal housing is bent in an atypical way for an exploded battery, but the casing has a hole in the bottom, but is clearly dented.

Apple is investigating the first exploded iPhone 7 Plus

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From these high-resolution images, the iPhone 7 Plus packaging appears to have taken a serious hit, and if an impact did occur, then the battery could have exploded in its wake. It is clear that inside the packaging there are traces of a cracked battery, but we are not talking about a substantial destruction of it.

Since Apple replaces the iPhone 7 Plus terminal whose battery exploded, it is clear that the fault does not belong to the customer, so there are two possibilities: either the battery was really defective and cracked on its own, or the courier company did not carried even so carefully with the product that he had to deliver to the customer.

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Before we draw the conclusion that this is a battery with problems, we should wait to see what Apple says, but no one can deny the fact that it is cracked. The reason for the crack remains to be elucidated, but we must not forget that yesterday there was another case of a swollen battery in the iPhone 7 Plus, so it will be interesting to see what will happen in the future.

What do you think ?

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