iOS 10.2.1 beta 4 vs iOS 10.2 - performance comparison

iOS beta 10.2.1 4 was launched last night by the Apple company, the new version of the operating system being available for application developers. In the video clips below you can see a comparison between iOS 10.2.1 beta 4 and iOS 10.2, showing us what kind of performance each version of the operating system offers.

Just as in the case of the previous version of the operating system, iOS 10.2.1 beta 4 does not bring performance improvements compared to iOS 10.2. Both iOS 10.2.1 beta 4 and iOS 10.2 have exactly the same performance, and this was to be expected from the Apple company, considering that this was the situation with every beta version.

The reality is that with regard to iOS 10.2.1 beta 4, the company Apple did not make it a goal to improve the performance of the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. From this point of view, iOS 10.2.1 beta 4 is as fast as any of the previous versions of the operating system, but nothing more, so don't be under any illusions.