iOS 10.3 increases iPhone storage space

iOS 10.3 it comes with a major change that the Apple company did not promote well enough, it being called APFS, or Apple File System. We are talking about a new system for managing the files that are stored in the iOS operating system, APFS for iOS 10.3 representing a modernization of the way iDevices take care of the files in our terminals.

Apple says that APFS slightly improves the performance of iDevices with iOS 10.3 and substantially increases security, but it seems that there is another hidden benefit. More precisely, after installing iOS 10.3 in your iPhone or iPad, you will notice that you have more free space in your terminals, but also that the total storage space has increased compared to what was previously offered.

In the case of an iPhone with 256 GB of storage space, the installation of iOS 10.3 released no less than 7.81 GB of space for the user, that is, approximately 3% of the total space. The even more interesting part is that the effective space available to the user also increased by 3.64 GB, reaching 252 GB instead of 248 GB, which was previously in the terminal.

To increase the effective storage space available for iPhone and iPad, APFS formats the partitions in which the data is stored differently, so that in iOS 10.3 we have more storage space. In the case of an iPhone with 32 GB of storage space, we have a little over 28 GB available, about 1.x GB more than Apple previously offered.

To be honest, few people probably expected iOS 10.3 to bring such a big change and offer more space for storing data in iDevices.

ios 10.3 iphone storage space