Download iOS 11.1.1 ipsw for iPhone and iPad

iOS 11.1.1 can be downloaded in ipsw format for iPhone and iPad, the Apple company releasing the new version of the operating system this evening.

iOS 11.1.1 was launched by the Apple company this evening for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch, the new version of the operating system solving two operational problems. iOS 11.1.1 was announced for release by the Apple company since last week, those from Cupertino stating that they will solve the problem with an iOS update.

iOS 11.1.1 doesn't bring anything new apart from fixing two performance issues, or at least that's what Apple says, so you shouldn't expect anything else. If you don't want to update to iOS 11.1.1 through the system Software Update, Software Update, then you need itunes and one of the ipsw files below, which must be downloaded to your computers.

Download iOS 11.1.1 ipsw for iPhone and iPad

iOS 11.1.1 can be downloaded in ipsw format using the links below:

download ios 11.1.1 ipsw iphone ipad