Facebook Messenger is stealing something from Snapchat

Facebook Messenger will steal something from Snapchat because people are getting bored in the application and want something new to use, or maybe not.

Because people don't really want to be on Facebook anymore, the American company thought of copying something from Snapchat in an attempt to convince people to pay more attention to it. We are talking about a new function for Facebook Messenger which will be implemented soon for everyone, it being only tested for now.

Facebook Messenger will steal the Streaks feature from Snapchat, the image below is proof of this and we are only talking about an annoying alert that we will see. Those at Facebook have decided that users need to be reminded of the people they talk to on a daily basis, so an alert message will tell us this every day.

Can you see that Facebook Messenger is telling the user that he has been talking to a friend constantly for several days and that he should continue in order not to lose contact? Apart from alerts, Facebook will also allow you to set certain statuses for friends through this new function, which is extremely popular in Snapchat among teenagers.

Facebook stole many features from Snapchat, but apart from photo and video filters and the Stories feature, nothing else was successful because it wasn't implemented the same way. It is very unlikely that this function will be successful, especially since we are talking about something that no one wants to see in Facebook Messenger, but this is not our decision.

Facebook messenger streaks