WhatsApp: Facebook CONFIRMS the change you HATE

WhatsApp has been officially confirmed by the Facebook company, a change that everyone hates, but which will be imposed on iPhone and Android.

WhatsApp Facebook CONFIRM Change HATE

WhatsApp there is going to be a change in the not-too-distant future that everyone who uses the messaging application will hate, and that's because everyone was promised that it would never be made. More exactly, Facebook wants to put ads in the WhatsApp application for iPhone and Android, the American company taking advantage of the departure of co-founder Jan Koum to do exactly what it wants from the messaging application.

WhatsApp has this very bad change confirmed by Facebook's CTO, Mike Schroepfer, stating that the inclusion of advertisements in the messaging application is currently being prepared. Facebook has already implemented ads in Facebook Messenger for some time, and the change was so good that now it wants to simplify the application's interface and get rid of some ads, and WhatsApp will suffer as a result.

WhatsApp: Facebook CONFIRMS the change you HATE

WhatsApp will have the ads integrated into a new "experience" that those from Facebook want to offer for users, a first step having already been taken by launching the possibility for companies to get in touch with users. WhatsApp is going to have some kind of sponsored content present in the iPhone and Android applications, but for now no one knows how it should appear, although we will most likely see it first in the Stories function, and in the conversation windows.

"Yes, advertising is coming to WhatsApp, Facebook chief technical officer Mike Schroepfer confirmed that in the plans of Menlo Park there are sponsorships within the messaging app. Our experience with Facebook teaches us that when advertising is integrated into the product it works and satisfies people. So even for messaging I imagine something much more integrated in the experience of the application that pleases both users and companies."

WhatsApp will most likely start displaying ads this year, those from Facebook wanting to recover the almost 14 billion dollars paid on the platform, and how else can they do it than by displaying ads? I'm quite sure that the WhatsApp experience will be spoiled to a good extent by the implementation of advertisements by the American company, but those there will convince themselves of this after the world starts to complain.