YouTube: The change that NO ONE ever expected

YouTube is changing, the Google company making a change that no one expected until now, it being very important for users.

YouTube The Change NOBODY Ever Expected

YouTube made a new change for users around the world this week, one that no one thought they would ever see in the platform of Google. More precisely, YouTube has started to display more prominently the hashtags for the video clips published on the platform, and to allow searches to be performed on their basis.

For several years, YouTube has allowed the use of hashtags for video clips, which are often used to spam both the platform and Google's search engine. Well, YouTube makes it clear that they will have a much more important role in the future of the platform, the American company currently testing their display in a special interface for web and Android.

YouTube: The change that NO ONE ever expected

YouTube Change NOBODY Ever Expected 1

YouTube uses hashtags to help people discover videos on the platform more easily, so each one directs the user to a list of similarly marked materials. The exact same thing has been offered by Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram for a very long time, so it's not exactly something new that we see here offered by the YouTube company for users.

YouTube does not change the implementation of hashtags made by the rest of the companies that own social networks, and it is difficult to say how useful they will be in the future. It is clear, however, that this will be a new source of spam for content creators, and people will have to get lost among hashtags to find the content they are looking for.