Google+ will be CLOSED, here is the Reason for the Amazing Decision

Google+ will be closed, the social network of the American company going through a major problem this year, being hidden from users all over the world.

Google plus

Google+, the famous social network launched by the Google company quite some time ago, will be closed following a security breach that exposed the data of hundreds of thousands of users from all over the world. This security breach was discovered sometime in the spring, but the Google company decided not to reveal it to the public, not even now, even though the data of many people around the world was accessed in an unauthorized way by third parties.

Google+ would have exposed between 2015 and 2018 an extremely varied range of personal data of users who used the social network around the world, and in response to the discovery of this problem, the American company decided to close it. Google+ exposed personal account data, such as people's full names, email addresses, dates of birth, profile pictures, locations visited, people's occupations, but not phone numbers, email messages, and others.

Google+ will be CLOSED, here is the Reason for the Amazing Decision

In recent years, Google+ has repeatedly announced its closure by a variety of analysts, but now the plans are becoming reality, according to internal documents of the Google company, seen by journalists. Google solved in March 2018 the Google+ problem that was exploited by developers for 3 years, but the decision not to disclose the problem came after the fear of not being involved in a huge scandal, like that of Cambridge Analytica, in which was involved Facebook.

"As part of its response to the incident, the Alphabet Inc. unit plans to announce a sweeping set of data privacy measures that include permanently shutting down all consumer functionality of Google+, the people said. The move effectively puts the final nail in the coffin of a product that was launched in 2011 to challenge Facebook Inc. and is widely seen as one of Google's biggest failures."

Google+ was created with the idea of ​​competing with Facebook, but unfortunately it never managed to attract as much interest from people, although it had hundreds of millions of users worldwide. Although Google+ will be closed, those from Facebook will announce a series of major changes regarding the data security of users who use its services, so it will be interesting to see what serious changes will be detailed in the coming days by the company.