Google Chrome. A very important new function will allow you to surf the Internet at the speed of light, Google preparing a huge change for users.

Google Chrome web page speed

Google Chrome. An extremely big change is being prepared by the Google company for browser or so popular, it will substantially increase internet browsing speeds for users. More precisely, Google Chrome is going to have a function called Never Slow Mode, its activation removing certain elements from the web pages accessed by us, all to make the websites load much faster than until now.

Google Chrome. The function is intended to be used only on websites that load very large web elements, these being removed, so that the entire page is loaded much faster. Although websites load faster, you should not live with the illusion that Google Chrome will consume less memory in this process, because this will not happen, the amount of resources required being the same, unfortunately.

Google Chrome will load web pages with the speed of light thanks to this function

Google Chrome. Among the elements from the web pages that the function will remove upon loading are the images, files with the CSS code of the theme, javascripts, fonts, and any kind of scripts that are large in size. At the moment, the new function for Google Chrome is being developed by Google engineers, and it is not even part of the alpha versions of the browser, so it is not yet ready to be offered for testing.

Currently blocks large scripts, sets budgets for certain resource types (script, font, css, images), turns off document.write(), clobbers sync XHR, enables client-hints pervasively, and buffers resources without 'Content-Length' set, Budgets are reset on interaction (click/tap/scroll). Long script tasks (> 200ms) pause all page execution until next interaction.

Google Chrome. For a very long time, users have been asking for new functions to improve the internet browsing experience, and slowly, slowly, Google is offering them, but not exactly as the world expected. Unfortunately, a solution has not yet been found to substantially reduce the consumption of resources, mainly RAM memory, that Google Chrome generates, so only when this happens, we will talk about a major change for the browser.