SPECIAL function in WhatsApp Discovered Today

WhatsApp has a special function discovered today, and presented in the first images, to confirm a huge change that we will experience in the very near future.

WhatsApp ignores archived chats

WhatsApp had a very diverse range of new functions announced in recent months, some of them coming as total surprises, but the one we are talking about today was announced a few months ago, only now it is confirmed with images. A few months ago I spoke to you for the first time about a new function for WhatsApp that had the name Vacation Mode, having the purpose of allowing us to ignore the messages received from certain chats, completely.

WhatsApp does not allow this now, the archived chats being returned to the conversations section if a new message is sent in them, but this function will completely change the functionality in the application. The new function is no longer called Vacation Mode, but Ignore archived chats, and this is because as soon as we archive a conversation with a person, it will no longer be displayed again in the chat interface even if someone sends another message there, they remain browse through our archive.

SPECIAL function in WhatsApp Discovered Today

WhatsApp ignores archived chats 1

WhatsApp there will also be a new section available for us, this one will be called Archived Chats, and will allow you to view the conversations that have been archived, if you want to check if you have received any messages. You can see in the images in this article what the new functionality that WhatsApp is going to have thanks to this function looks like, its implementation being very useful and highly requested by many users.

WhatsApp ignores archived chats 2

WhatsApp it currently has a fairly logical operation for the idea of ​​archiving a conversation, and this is because, in general, archived conversations are those in which there have been no messages for a long time. Receiving one brings that conversation to the fore, and tells us that the person in question wants to chat with us again via WhatsApp, but the function implemented now is meant to practically block interaction with certain people, and that's exactly how it should be viewed.

WhatsApp this function is currently in full testing process, so it is not known when it would be offered to all users.