AMAZING! Neurons in the Brain can be MANIPULATED from the Phone

The researchers managed to develop an impressive implant through which the neurons can be controlled directly from the phone, this is what an amazing innovation they have created.

AMAZING! Neurons in the Brain can be MANIPULATED from the Phone

A team of researchers from the USA and South Korea has succeeded in creating an implant that will allow the control of neural circuits in the brain using a simple application for mobile phones. Thanks to this implant, the researchers claim that brain diseases, such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, but also addictions, depression, or the pain that patients have can be monitored much more easily.

Researchers have created an implant that, after being inserted into the skull and "connected" to the brain, allows communication via Bluetooth with a phone, which can be used to control certain neural circuits. Medicines are used to do this control, so we are not talking about electrical impulses, but apparently even light is used for the same purpose, so we are talking about a complex system created by them.

AMAZING! Neurons in the Brain can be MANIPULATED from the Phone

Until now, researchers used metal tubes and fiber optic cables to transfer drugs and light to people's brains, but here things have advanced a lot. Thanks to this implant, patients can move with much greater freedom, and the risk of injuring the brain tissue is substantially reduced, another great benefit is that the drugs can be dispensed for longer periods of time.

“This revolutionary device is the fruit of advanced electronic design and powerful micro- and nano-scale engineering. We are interested in further developing this technology to make a brain implant for clinical applications. It allows us to better dissect the neural circuit basis of behavior and how specific neuromodulators in the brain tune behavior in different ways."

The implant needs to replace the medication cartridge when the substances are used up, but it seems that one alone can provide the necessary medication for several months of research. Until now, research has only been done on guinea pigs, with implants that were the size of a strand of hair, so we are talking about an innovative technology that promises to be extremely promising, if it will be allowed to be tested on humans as well.

The astonishing technological evolution shows us once again how far humanity has come in terms of welding the human brain, and from now on there are also new methods to control the neurons that compose it.