8 years WITHOUT Steve Jobs profoundly CHANGED the Apple Company

steve jobs 8 years old apple

Today marks 8 years since Steve Jobs entered non-existence, the former co-founder of the company Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC), leaving a big gap behind, but a company that had in preparation several products developed under his guidance. The announcement about enough of Steve Jobs was made a day after the Apple conference for the presentation of the iPhone 4S, taking a lot of people by surprise, although the co-founder of Apple had left the position of CEO for some time.

Apple took advantage for several years of the products that were still in development when Steve Jobs decided to retire, and managed to enjoy a phenomenal success thanks to them. In the world after the disappearance of Steve Jobs, Apple is not as bright, it fails to amaze the fans with every conference it does, and it was left without the charismatic man that everyone expected to see in its events.

8 years WITHOUT Steve Jobs profoundly CHANGED the Apple Company

Steve Jobs was a very controversial man, with many stories regarding the way he carried out his activity, but he was a visionary, and he knew how to anticipate the needs of customers with the products that Apple launched. Steve Jobs always had the ability to put in a good light any kind of product launched by the Apple company, and he always knew not only to attract the attention of fans, but also all their praises.

Apple in 2019 is a company that, in the absence of Steve Jobs, no longer has products as loved, as innovative, but at least it earns much more money from them. Left without Steve Jobs, the Apple company managed to become more profitable, but the iPhone phones completely lost their luster, as well as many of the other products with which it made its name worldwide.

Steve Jobs was one of the great visionaries who knew how to revolutionize the world with the products launched by their companies, and everything changed after his death.