THE EMBARRASSMENT Continues, Windows 10 BROKE MANY Computers

Windows 10 continues to generate very big problems for users around the world, here is the latest major error displayed for PCs.

Windows 10 messes up the start menu

Windows 10 has bad update after bad update released by the Microsoft company, and every time we talk about updates that should solve people's problems, but they bring much more serious ones. Yesterday I told you that a new update for Windows 10 meant to solve problems with people's printers does nothing but break more, but of course that's only part of the problem because there are others.

Windows 10 not only breaks more printers than were previously broken, but also freezes certain computers right during the boot process, leaving many users frustrated as to what is happening. Unfortunately, it seems that things do not stop there, because another serious problem was brought by this update of Windows 10, it completely ruins the Start Menu for all those who have already installed it in their PCs.

Windows 10 crashes the Start Menu on users' computers

Windows 10 corrupt start menu error
Windows 10 Start Menu error.

Windows 10 displays the error in the image above when users try to access the Start Menu, which is impossible for people to use, so a lot of people are upset because of this situation. Not even a restart of the computer on which the KB4524147 update for Windows 10 is installed does not solve the problem with the Start Menu, everything seems to be without a solution, at least based on the information provided by various people.

Windows 10 can have this problem solved, including the one regarding printers that refuse to work anymore, by simply uninstalling the update, but of course people didn't want that, but to have no problems at all. As this cannot be offered in Windows 10 by those from Microsoft, the world is left with the hope that things will return to normal at some point, which now seems unlikely, but maybe it will happen.

Windows 10 is no longer the focus of Microsoft's attention, as the Americans are now more focused on cloud services, leaving the operating system unable to provide the good experience demanded by users.