The Windows 10 change you've been WAITING for for a while

Windows 10 has a very important change for computers that users have been waiting for some time, here is what Microsoft will offer.

Windows 10 system search shortcuts

Windows 10 it is part of a very interesting and quite useful change from the Microsoft company, the Americans wanting to offer their customers a much better experience of using their own computers. More precisely, those from Microsoft will implement in the interface for the search function of Windows 10 shortcuts to quickly perform a very varied range of searches that many users do on a regular basis using this functionality.

Windows 10 has in the image below presented the changes that will be part of it when the update from the spring of next year will be distributed, and you can see what to expect. Those from Microsoft thought to implement in the search interface of Windows 10 a series of predefined shortcuts for information about the weather, news, but also the newest movies that appeared in cinemas recently.

The Windows 10 change you've been WAITING for for a while

Windows 10 PC search shortcuts

Windows 10 has practically improved the search system available to users from all over the world, and everything to make the user experience much better than the one that is offered at the moment. The search system in Windows 10 is very important for the general functionality of the operating system for computers, so any kind of improvements of this kind are most welcome at any time.

Windows 10 also has other important changes in full development process for the update that will be launched next spring, with the first beta version already being distributed for those who test them. It is known that Windows 10 will not receive such an important update in November as all users hope, and this is because the major changes are reserved for the spring of 2020.

Windows 10 will have other important news revealed by the time this serious update is released, so we just have to be patient for all the information to appear.