YouTube has LAUNCHED the biggest CHANGE in the LAST YEAR

Youtube launched the biggest change of the last year for users all over the world, here's what you'll see from now on within the platform's website.

YouTube released desktop interface change

YouTube, the largest video streaming platform in the world, launched the biggest change of the last year, the American company is already slowly propagandizing it to people all over the world. More precisely, those from YouTube launched a new interface for everyone, offering users a very big change for the experience they have when they want to view the video clips existing on the platform.

YouTube claims that the new interface now launched for computers and tablets is designed to help users more easily discover the videos that are available on the platform for them. Now YouTube has much better quality images on the main page of the platform, but also longer titles for the video clips, helping users to understand much more clearly what they are going to see on the platform.

YouTube has LAUNCHED the biggest CHANGE in the LAST YEAR

YouTube new interface

YouTube now displays much more clearly the icons for the channels from which the videos are displayed in the main interface, so people can be interested in seeing something from a channel they are interested in, or ignore the content. For those who have computers, YouTube now has an option on the main content page that allows you to quickly add video clips to a playlist without actually accessing the respective video clip.

YouTube design changes

YouTube also implements the function that allows us to choose to block recommendations of video clips from certain channels, it has been offered on mobile phones for some time. Apart from these, YouTube will soon launch a function that will allow you to add topics to a list of "favorites", so that all videos with that topic will be recommended on the main page for them.

YouTube rolled out all of these changes to users this week, and they're rolling out slowly around the world, so if you haven't seen them yet, don't worry too much, they're coming.