NASA: New Year's ANNOUNCEMENT about ASTEROIDS coming to Earth

NASA comes with a new very important announcement for the New Year regarding the asteroids that are heading towards the Earth at a very high speed, here is what it revealed.

nasa new year asteroids

NASA made an extremely important announcement just before the New Year about the asteroids that are coming at very high speed towards the Earth, and everyone must know what is going to happen. Because the current systems designed to detect asteroids heading towards the Earth are not that accurate, those from NASA have announced that they will send a new satellite into outer space that is meant to protect our planet better.

NASA has allocated the amount of 36 million dollars for this new project, and its satellite will be equipped with a variety of sensors that will better monitor the outer space of our solar system, and not only. Those from NASA had very big problems with the detection of some asteroids that were heading towards the Earth at a very high speed, and this sometimes led to situations where certain rocks were detected just a few hours before reaching the planet.

NASA: New Year's ANNOUNCEMENT about ASTEROIDS coming to Earth

NASA has sometimes missed other asteroids that have passed by the Earth without being detected by it, and they have been detected by other agencies that monitor outer space, so it is clear that there is a problem. So that these problems do not occur in the future, NASA wants this new satellite to be able to detect more easily and quickly any kind of asteroid or comet that would be heading towards our planet, in order to eventually divert their trajectory.

NASA thought of this project after the one that aims to change the trajectory of asteroids that are heading towards the Earth at a very high speed, and can put humanity in real danger at a given moment. Because the situation is not exactly simple, NASA wants to have as much time as possible to analyze what can be done to protect the Earth, so this satellite will be of great help to humanity in the coming decades.

NASA will launch its satellite in the coming years, with plenty of time before any large asteroid comes close to the Earth, and possibly hits the surface of our planet.