Digi Mobil DESTROYED Competition with Ports Registered in 2019

Digi Mobil destroyed Orange, Vodafone, Telekom with the portings registered in 2019 in Romania, here are how many landline and mobile phone numbers were ported.

Digi Mobile goalkeepers 2019

Digi Mobil was by far the mobile phone operator that had the most port calls during 2019, both on the mobile phone side and on the fixed phone side, just like in 2018. ANCOM published the figures for 2019 in regarding the portings registered in the Digi Mobil, Orange, Vodafone, Telekom networks for fixed and mobile phone numbers, and results for the operator owned by DIGI | RCS & RDS are outstanding.

Digi Mobil ported 34.527 fixed telephone numbers in its network, that is, almost half of the total number of ports registered in 2019, and far more than the ports of any other competitor, even combined. Regarding the mobile phone numbers ported in the Digi Mobil network, we are talking about a total of 337.784 numbers, probably about a third of the total registered in Romania, which is surprising for the company anyway.

Digi Mobil DESTROYED Competition with Ports Registered in 2019

2020 mobile phone operators Digi Mobil, Orange, Vodafone, Telekom
The monthly evolution of mobile phone numbers received through porting by the main 5 providers

Digi Mobil has been a leader on the portability side in Romania for several years, managing to surpass any of its direct competitors in monthly porting, something that has not changed in a month until now. The very low prices for subscriptions from Digi Mobil are the main reason on the basis of which many people choose to enter the operator's network, and this has so far ensured a constant flow of hundreds of thousands of customers coming to the network.

2020 landline operators Digi Mobil, Orange, Vodafone, Telekom
The monthly evolution of landline numbers received through porting by the main 5 providers

With the strategy of recent years, Digi Mobil managed to bring many customers to the network, but it is not known how many of them still remain, about 2 years ago the entrances covered the exits, so there is no gain. Digi Mobil has not announced the total number of subscribers it has in Romania for some time, but maybe at the beginning of 2020 we will find out how many people are currently using the services offered by the telecommunications operator in the country.

Digi Mobil shows that when you have very good prices, you manage to attract people to your network, and from what we see, Telekom is the only operator that can keep up with it in terms of porting.