Samsung MADE A LAUGH at CES 2020 COPYING Apple

Samsung made a laughing stock at CES 2020 by copying the Apple company, but it did not limit itself to that, going even further with its mistakes.

samsung made raz apple

Samsung presented at CES 2020 Samsung Pass, a system designed to exempt users from authenticating through classic methods on mobile phones, i.e. using PIN codes, passwords for websites, etc. The system was presented by those from Samsung by copying the Face ID icon, the advanced facial recognition system from iPhone phones, some saying that even the icon for scanning fingerprints would resemble that of Apple.

Samsung presented the system to show people how they will be able to authenticate more easily in phones, or various online or offline services, but it was made fun of by not just copying the Apple company. Those from Samsung have even created a website where they present Samsung Pass, and there they talk about exactly the same technologies, and for example they use images of a phone that currently does not exist, and probably will not exist very soon.

Samsung MADE A LAUGH at CES 2020 COPYING Apple

Samsung fake phone

Samsung says that its users will be able to authenticate by scanning the iris, but the phone used as an example does not have any visible sensor, not even a front camera, or a 3D one, for advanced facial recognition. Basically, Samsung's presentation seems to have been made by some amateurs who present functions on non-existent phones, and I understand that attention to details is not exactly something that the Korean company ever puts a price on.

Samsung copied make id

Samsung also kind of lied about facial recognition, because it doesn't offer 3D facial recognition, just like Face ID, whose icon it copied, and it won't do it soon, or most likely ever. Facial recognition in Samsung phones is the standard one in Android, which is so bad that it is not even allowed for use in mobile payments, so why the Koreans would promote it is very difficult to understand at the moment.

Samsung was ridiculed by everyone for its decision to copy Apple's iconic Face ID, but the reality is that it was made fun of more by presenting a non-existent phone and a false reality.