Planet Saturn: Researchers make the Announcement that STUNKS Humanity

The planet Saturn has an incredible announcement made by researchers, who astonish the entire humanity with a revelation that "overturns" everything we have been up to now.

Planet Saturn life

Planet Saturn has been the focus of many researchers' attention in recent years thanks to very high hopes related to the possible existence of life on one of its moons, Titan, which will also be explored by NASA, or ESA. Before that happened, the researchers still managed to do a very important test on this moon near the planet Saturn, and unfortunately they came to the conclusion that there is no extraterrestrial life there, but with data taken from Earth.

Planet Saturn it has next to it a moon Titan whose atmosphere is dense, and separated from the Earth, it is currently the only other cosmic body in the universe where water is known to exist, although the same thing would have been discovered on the planet Mars. However, on Titan the researchers reached a safe conclusion that there is water, although the planet Saturn is frozen, and this led many to the conclusion that there would be life there, probably in the form of microorganisms, and not otherwise.

Planet Saturn: Researchers make the Announcement that STUNKS Humanity

Planet Saturn had various simulations done to calculate if there can be life on its surface, and this conclusion was not reached, but for the Titan moon it was reached, although the temperatures are -185 degrees there. Various simulations made for the moon Titan near the planet Saturn suggested the fact that life can exist there, but a recent study claims that those previous simulations are completely wrong, and that in fact there can be no life on this moon.

"Using more complex simulations involving quantum mechanics, the researchers in the new paper studied the structures in terms of their 'thermodynamic viability.' Titan represents a "stringent test case for the limits of life," the researchers wrote in their paper. And in this role, the moon fails. Show azotosomes, they are not thermodynamically viable on Titan.”

Planet Saturn had the possible existence of life on the moon TItan "calculated" by researchers using quantum mechanics to see what thermodynamic viability exists for the possible existence of life. The researchers spent quite a lot of time making calculations before saying that there is no life on the moon Titan near the planet Saturn, and the conclusion they reached somewhat "overturned" what we knew about this distant celestial body.

Planet Saturn it will still have ships sent to explore both its surface and the moons that orbit it, so it remains to be seen what will be discovered by some researchers made much closer.