STS: Non-emergency calls to 112 decreased during the Coronavirus pandemic

Non-urgent STS 112 2020

STS comes with a gratifying announcement for Romania, and this is because the number of non-urgent calls in the first three months of 2020 was 14.4% lower compared to the same period last year, and it is possible that the higher fines have scared away some smart ones.

STS says that the highest number of non-urgent calls came from Bucharest, 124.922 in total, followed by Constanta with a number of 53.321, and finally Mures with a total of 51.309, and in February and March the world stopped making random calls at 112, but many asked for information about the Corona virus without being urgent.

STS still says that the number of non-urgent calls still represents more than 50% of the urgent ones, but among them there are not as many calls from people who want to make fun of the system, which of course is good news.

STS warns the citizens again about the fact that a new legislation adopted at the end of March brings fines of 1000 - 2000 LEI, or the provision of 100 - 200 hours for the benefit of communication for false calls, the sanctions doubling if any intervene emergency service somewhere.

"In the first three months of 2020, 2.539.700 calls were made to the 112 emergency service, 13% less than the same period last year. Citizens called 112 more responsibly in 2020, with non-emergency calls decreasing, in the first quarter, by 14,48% compared to the same period in 2019. More than half of the emergencies represented requests for the Ambulance.

Thus, according to the statistics of the Special Telecommunications Service (STS), the administrator of the Single National System for Emergency Calls (SNUAU), in the period January-March 2020, out of a total of 2.539.700 calls, a number of 1.395.029 calls were emergencies (54,92%), and 1.144.671 were non-urgent calls (45,08%). In January 2020, 464.907 urgent calls and 384.168 non-urgent calls were recorded, in February 459.096 urgent and 361.056 non-urgent calls were counted, while in March 471.026 urgent calls and 399.446 non-urgent.

The most non-urgent calls, between January and March this year, were registered in Bucharest (124.922), Constanța (53.321) and Mureș (51.309).

It is remarkable that non-urgent calls are down by more than 14% compared to the same period of 2019, when 1.338.517 non-urgent calls were answered. The decrease in the number of non-emergency calls can be interpreted as a positive signal that citizens have understood the importance of calling the single emergency number 112 responsibly.

At the national level, the most calls were received by STS operators from the Integrated Municipal Center for Emergency Situations Bucharest-Ilfov, namely 403.432 calls, of which an average of 69% were emergencies. In second place in the number of calls made by citizens to 112 is the county of Iasi, with a total of 119.223 calls, of which over 63% were emergencies. The third county in terms of number of calls to 112 is Constanța, with a total of 101.925 calls, of which only 47,8% were emergencies.

Regarding the type of emergency and the distribution by agencies, most emergency calls were transferred to the Ambulance - 56,88% (963.476 calls), followed by the Police - 20,77% (351.876 calls), ISU-SMURD - 17,72 .300.231% (4,06 calls), Gendarmerie – 68.858% (0,56 calls) and other agencies – 9.507% (XNUMX calls). Depending on the specialized intervention agencies to which the calls were transferred by the STS operators."