Romanian Post: WARNING issued for all Romanians

romanian post e-mail dispatches

The Romanian Post has issued a very important warning for all Romanians who want to send parcels through its service available throughout the country, and it's something that everyone should know about, but very importantly, be extremely careful.

The Romanian Post warns Romanians not to trust the spam messages they receive from various unknown persons who tell them they have a package to receive, and not to take any action based on those messages received.

"We remind you that if you have been notified by email that a package is about to be delivered and you are directed to access a link to track your postal shipment, please:

❕ Do not open the email and mark it as spam
❕ Do not access the link

This is not an email sent by the National Romanian Post Company."

❗WARNING❗We remind you that if you have been notified by email that a package is about to be delivered and you are directed...

Published by Romanian post pe Monday, July 27, 2020