MOON: OFFICIAL Announcement, AMAZING Disclosure to Mankind

The MOON is at the center of an important official announcement, here is what an amazing revelation for humanity has been made, and how much it matters to all of us.

virtual month

MOON FABRIC is at the center of a very important announcement today, and that's because we're talking about a revelation that involves all of humanity, especially at this time when things are quite blocked due to the Coronavirus. The European Space Agency, ESA, has announced that it will publicly reveal how the locations on the MOON and Mars where the astronauts sent by it will arrive to explore both the planet and the natural satellite will look like.

MOON FABRIC it is to be visited by ESA sometime after 2024, i.e. after those from NASA, and for the time being nothing is known about the mission to Mars, regarding a possible date when it could take place. On October 14, a special section will be launched on the ESA website, or a special website that will allow you to view the plans of the European Space Agency regarding the MOON, and they are quite important, in the end.

MOON: OFFICIAL Announcement, AMAZING Disclosure to Mankind

MOON FABRIC is one of the main objectives of ESA, but also of NASA, both space agencies wanting to explore as much as possible of the two cosmic bodies, their plans being to a certain extent combined. In this idea, everything that ESA will present on October 14 will be done together with the NASA administrator, so that we will find out a lot of interesting information about the MOON, and what the Americans and Europeans want to do.

"The European Space Agency (ESA) will highlight its large-scale space exploration activities with a virtual tour of ESA sites in Europe. The virtual tour of "the sites where Europa's exploration of our Solar System begins for the 2020s" is a live event on October 14 for this year's International Astronautical Congress (IAC) and "will showcase the hardware and people taking Europa to the Moon and Mars and back.”

MOON FABRIC it is much closer to Earth than Mars, so it is logical that it should be visited first, and the plans for these missions are much more complicated than they seem at first glance, especially since they are also trying to bring evidence to Earth. However, it will be very interesting to see how ESA views its missions to the MOON, and what exactly it wants to do to discover more about both the natural satellite of the Earth and about the planet Mars, so far away.

MOON FABRIC it will be visited by several space agencies in the near future, and we will definitely see more information about what is hidden on it, but also on Mars.