Planet Mercury: RARE Phenomenon and IMPACT on Earth

The planet Mercury will go through a rare phenomenon during this week, here's what impact it will have on the Earth, and what you need to know.

Planet Mercury conjunction

Planet Mercury is going to go through a very rare phenomenon during this week, one that is also related to the Earth because we are talking about one of the planets that is in the solar system, and between us and the sun. According to some scientists, this phenomenon that the planet Mercury will go through on Saturday is a rare one, and one that will also have an impact on the Earth, even if not everyone is aware of it.

Planet Mercury it will pass between the Earth and the sun on Sunday, something that, apparently, does not happen that often, and something that will be very easily visible in the starry sky for those who will be willing to follow the phenomenon. Following this phenomenon, the planet Mercury will also move its position in the sky in relation to the Earth, so that it will become visible in a different region of the sky, so all those who follow it carefully should also know this aspect.

Planet Mercury: RARE Phenomenon and IMPACT on Earth

Planet Mercury it is one of the two that stand between the Sun and the Earth, the other being Venus, but only in the case of the first one we are talking about a phenomenon of this kind that will happen on Sunday. The planet Mercury will also disappear from the sky during that day because its illuminated side will be directed only towards the sun, so it will not be visible from Earth because it will not have lighting on the side that is directed towards us.

Planet Mercury it is caught in a constant game with Venus, the two cosmic bodies revolving around the sun constantly, and interrupting the visibility of the star from the Earth, for short periods of time. The current phenomenon is quite rare, but the planet Mercury will be invisible in relation to the Earth for a short time, so after that it will again become very easy to spot in the starry sky by amateur astronomers and researchers.

Planet Mercury it will definitely go through a phenomenon of this kind in the future, and everything should happen exactly the same, but amateur astronomers on Earth will not be able to follow what is happening.