Black Hole: INCREDIBLE Announcement and DANGER for Earth

The black hole at the center of our galaxy is at the center of an incredible announcement about the danger to Earth, here's what researchers have discovered.

Black hole life

The black hole it still remains one of the most complex objects that currently exist in the universe, and that's because we're talking about a lot of elements that still can't be explained in relation to them. As you already know very well, in the center of the Milky Way galaxy there is a supermassive black hole that swallowed many stars and planets, but which would also have affected the way life formed on Earth over millions and millions of years. years.

The black hole from the center of our galaxy it emits X-rays and ultraviolet rays when it devours stars and planets, and these are so dangerous that they have the potential to prevent the formation of life. At this moment, the solar system is at a safe distance from the black hole in the center of the galaxy, so that the Earth is not affected by its constant activity of destroying stars and planets, but things were not always like this.

Black Hole: INCREDIBLE Announcement and DANGER for Earth

The black hole from the center of the Milky Way would have affected the Earth a long time ago when the solar system was much closer to it than it is now. It seems that the sun would have formed much closer to this black hole, and together with it the planets in the solar system, together with the Earth, and the X-rays and ultraviolet rays emitted by it would have prevented the formation of complex life on our planet for millions of years.

“Would flare results from SgrA * have any implications for life on Earth? In principle, it could, because it carries harmful X-ray and ultraviolet (XUV) radiation. The XUV radiation emitted during such flares has the ability to evaporate the atmospheres of Mars or Earth if the solar system were only ten times closer to the center of the Milky Way. At the current location of the Sun, terrestrial life is shielded from the XUV flares of SgrA *. However, recent studies indicate that the Sun's birthplace may have been significantly closer to the galactic center and that the Sun migrated to its current location through gravitational shocks."

The black hole represents a real danger for any type of life, complex or not, so that the scientists' discovery now comes as an extremely big surprise in the conditions where nothing was known until now. What we are currently learning from scientists shows us once again how little we know about black holes in the universe, but also how much the Earth would have been affected, even though it is at a great distance from ours .

The black hole from the center of the galaxy, the Milky Way is slowly, slowly, approaching the Earth, so that in who knows how many years our planet could again be affected by the X-rays and ultraviolet rays emitted by it.