Ministry of Health: What You Should/Don't Do Before/After Vaccination

The Ministry of Health must do vaccination

The Ministry of Health published today new information for Romanians who want to be vaccinated, so it explains what we should or should not do before or after vaccination in order to be as safe as possible, and not have any discomfort.

"What should I do before vaccination against COVID-19?
– You can eat and drink water before you get vaccinated.
– It is recommended to avoid drinking alcoholic beverages, especially in large quantities, 48 ​​hours before vaccination. Although there are no studies showing how alcohol interacts with the COVID-19 vaccine, alcohol weakens the immune system, especially when consumed in excess. However, if you happen to drink 1-3 units of alcohol, it's good not to delay and go get vaccinated as scheduled.
– Sleep well the night before the vaccination. Restful and peaceful sleep helps the immune system.
– It is not recommended to take paracetamol or ibuprofen before vaccination to prevent possible adverse effects of the vaccine.
– Patients taking paracetamol or ibuprofen for pre-existing diseases should not stop treatment before vaccination.
What should I do after vaccination?
– You can eat and drink water after you have been vaccinated.
– Although not contraindicated, for the greatest possible effectiveness of the vaccine, it is recommended to avoid drinking alcoholic beverages, especially in excessive amounts, for two weeks after vaccination.
– If your arm where the vaccine was administered hurts, apply a clean towel moistened in cold water to the injection area. Also, doing arm exercises helps relieve pain.
– If you have a fever, drink plenty of fluids.
– You can take paracetamol or ibuprofen to relieve the discomfort caused by the possible occurrence of a fever and / or headache.
– Contact your doctor if the adverse effects do not disappear within a few days.
Can I go back to work after being vaccinated?
– Yes, after vaccination you can return to work as long as you feel well. If your injected arm hurts a lot, you may have difficulty lifting heavy objects. If you feel very tired, it is recommended that you avoid driving. In general, adverse effects disappear within a few days of receiving the vaccine."