Minister of Education: Important Official Measures Announced in All Schools

Minister of Education Important Official Measures Announced to All Schools

The Minister of Education revealed a series of very important measures that target all schools in Romania and will have an impact on students from all over the country, they being transmitted to the world through the government program of the new government, being strategic objectives for the education system.

The Minister of Education speaks in the government program about these strategic objectives that should be the basis for improving the educational system in Romania, and below you can read some of the most important ones that were officially announced.

"The revision of the national normative framework to provide coherence, predictability and stability to the system that guarantees both the taking over of the rights won and present in the legislation in force for education in the languages ​​of national minorities, as well as de-bureaucratization in order to facilitate the process of establishing pre-university and university school units.

Rethinking and professionalizing the governance of the education system in line with the public administration reform. The creation of a coherent system of evaluation of the education system, both at the central and local level, and the correlation with the financing system. The digitization of the educational process and the interconnection of databases, both at the level of the educational system and in relation to other fields, to enable integrated approaches: Wi-Fi-Campus for all state schools and universities in Romania.

Social inclusion programs and the provision of equal educational opportunities to reduce early school leaving and functional illiteracy. The phased generalization of the "hot meal at school" and "school after school" programs and the promotion of a coherent vision of integration of all programs that have the same objective and the same target group.

Funding of an educational support program, through the pedagogical practice of students from Romanian language faculties in schools and communities of national minorities. Funding of the book fund in Romanian for students studying in the languages ​​of national minorities (including digital books).

Creating complete routes for theoretical, professional and vocational profiles, including all skill levels. Vocational education is once again an essential node in the link between education and the labor market. The professionalization of the management of educational units and institutions, so as to ensure stability, coherence and competence in their management process."