The Minister of Health: LAST TIME, Warning and Announcement Concerning a Significant Concern of the People

The Minister of Health LAST TIME Warning Announcement Concern for the People

The Minister of Health is talking to the Romanians about a problem that is beginning to concern some people both in Romania and around the world, and this is because there are still not many explanations regarding the sudden deaths around the world in recent months, some saying that could be related to the pandemic.

The Minister of Health says that in serious cases of Coronavirus, complications can occur in the form of microthrombosis that can affect the lungs, and not only that, but there is no studied connection between the virus and sudden deaths, and for now there are no studies to confirm/deny the fact that the pandemic generated an increase in sudden deaths.

"I would not necessarily want to link this situation to the pandemic context. First, we must explain in general what are the causes that can lead to sudden death. An example is related to aneurysms of cerebral vessels. That is, a vessel, instead of having a normal size, is dilated, and after an effort that vessel breaks.

Those causes existed before, but I don't have statistics related to sudden deaths in Romania, from the global level, that is, we should see a scientific study that really shows that in these 2 years of the pandemic, the number of sudden deaths of was significantly higher than the number of sudden deaths from previous years, for example in 2018 and 2019.

I want to say something that I noticed, because I also have colleagues who are medical examiners, and they noticed the same thing. In general, people who are infected with the Coronavirus, when they have complications, are due to some microthrombosis, that is, some blood clots that appear after the infection, at a certain period of time, and which can affect the pulmonary function.

There are people in whom an inflammatory reaction is also determined, or pulmonary fibrosis, or they may have other locations, including cerebral locations, or other types of locations that, in their turn, may contribute, if we really demonstrate this. They can relate to such a situation, I have no evidence, but the first thing we have to do is to have a scientific article on sudden deaths.

If there is an increase in certain geographical areas, we must see what are the causes of these sudden deaths, and a fairly rigorous analysis can be made in this regard, including through the anatomical-pathological examinations that were performed on some of the patients infected with the Coronavirus, when they were needed."