Vidéo : BlackBerry Messenger pour iPhone bientôt disponible ?


Astazi a umblat in zvon in care se indica faptul ca presedintele RIM, Jim Balsillie, ar fi anuntat in cadrul unei conferinte din Toronto ca BlackBerry Messenger pentru iOS va fi disponibil in viitorul apropiat. Nu e prima oara cand apar zvonuri privind lansarea BlackBerry Messenger pentru iOS insa de data aceasta informatia era data ca sigura de o persoana care ar fi asistat la conferinta. In realitate presedintele RIM a contactat astazi publicatia Business Insider si a infirmat toate zvonurile privind posibila lansare a BlackBerry Messenger in viitorul apropiat insa nu a negat ca RIM are planuri in acest sens.

Ce a aparut azi pe Internet : RIM had a Social Media conference today in Toronto, and my entire college business and marketing class was invited to the event. RIM’s co-ceo Jim Balsillie revealed that they plan to bring BBM and “other services” to iPhone on April 26 via the app store. Major news networks are expected to pick up on this very soon! Balsillie also revealed that they plan to release an update to the app this summer which will take advantage of a new “notification system”!!!

Informatiile primite de Business Insider : “RIM just reached out to us saying that the post in MacRumors is a hoax. Jim Balsillie did not speak in Toronto today, so there was definitely no mention of BBM on iPhone. However, it’s still likely BBM will be on iPhone and Android soon, as previously reported.”

Din cate am vazut eu, pentru americani lansarea BlackBerry Messenger pentru iOS reprezinta un lucru destul de important insa pentru romani conteaza chiar atat de mult? Asteapta vreunul dintre voi cu nerabdare lansarea acestie aplicatii?