CirDock rivoluziona il dock di iOS 8 (Video)

CirDockCirDock è un pizzicare lanciato ieri sera a Cydia per iPhone, iPad e iPod Touch con sistema operativo in esecuzione iOS 8, iar cu ajutorul sau putem implementa o schimbare majora pentru terminalele noastre.

Come vedrai nel video clip qui sotto, CirDock ne ofera posibilitatea de a modifica in totalitate modul in care sunt afisate aplicatiile in dock-ul sistemului de operare, schimbarea fiind una extrem de importanta si probabil veti fi multumiti de ea.

In pratica CirDock ofera posibilitatea de a afisa mai multe aplicatii in dock, dar si de a le accesa diferit, tweak-ul avand o serie de setari care ne ofera posibilitatea de a controla aceste doua aspecte, insa mult mai mult decat atat, dupa cum puteti vedea mai jos.

  • The ability to enable selected apps from within the settings pane
  • Selecting some of the enabled apps as favourite apps so that a smaller number of apps are visible which makes spotting that favourite app easier
  • Displaying all applications that have badges on them. This has one of two modes:
    • a. Only displaying the enabled applications that have badges on them
    • b. Displaying ALL the applications installed that have badges on them
  • Highlighting all running applications (either foremost or backgrounded) so that it is easy to spot running apps and terminate them using the app switcher if a running app shouldn’t be (note: messages app will almost always be running)
  • Choosing a highlighting color to customise the dock even further
  • Selecting one of the carousel layouts for the dock… the current layouts include: (if -In is appended to the end of the word, then an inverted layout of that layout is also available)
    • Lineare
    • Rotary
    • Cylinder -In
    • Wheel -In
    • Cover Flow 1
    • Cover Flow 2
  • Time Machine -In
  • Long holding the dock to rotate between the display modes (default, favourite, badged), as well as enabling and disabling a certain display mode and rearranging the enabled display modes (default mode cannot be disabled nor rearranged)
  • The ability to export the settings to a file, copy it over to another device or back it up, and then importing it later on to restore the settings or to change the settings on the new device
  • Resetting the settings to the default for a ‘fresh’ start

CirDock are disponibil un meniu de setari in aplicatia Settings, Configurari, a sistemului de operare si cu ajutorul lor putem controla intregul mod de functionare al sau in iDevice-uri, astfel ca de acolo puteti personaliza totul exact asa cum va doriti voi.

CirDock este disponibil pentru descarcare la pretul de 1 dolar din repo-ul BigBoss al Cydia.