iHome + Sleep transforma iPhone-ul intr-un ceas desteptator multifunctional

iHome + Sleep este o aplicatie gratuita pentru iPhone/iPod Touch disponibila in AppStore care va transforma device-ul intr-un adevarat ceas desteptator multifunctional si asta absolut gratuit.

iPhone OS are integrata o aplicatie Clock care printre altele poseda si functia Alarm pentru cei care doresc sa-si seteze telefonul sa sune la o anumita ora insa iHome + Sleep este o aplicatie total diferita care permite utilizatorilor sa seteze mult mai multe functii, detine un widget care afiseaza vremea in orasul vostru si in plus are integrat social networking permitandu-va sa trimiteti mesaje pe Twitter/Facebook atunci cand va treziti/culcati.

Aplicatia are totodata si un counter care logheaza cate ore dormiti in fiecare seara insa asta nu e tot :
• Works with iHome “App-Enhanced” Products – enjoy dynamic, full-range audio performance, charging, guaranteed alarms, with the ability to easily and conveniently interact and change settings using the iPhone/iPod’s interface
• Sleep Cards – interactive alarm and nap cards with advanced settings for time, calendar, sounds, messages, and reminders
• Weather Widgets – quickly view the current weather or forecast for the day ahead before you go to sleep or get ready in the morning (*** Currently only supported in the USA, International coming soon, we promise ***)
• Sleep Stats – a running record of your sleep habits including how many times you snooze, average bedtime, hours of sleep, and many more
• Connect & Share with Friends – Facebook Connect & Twitter integration allows you to create, save, customize, and send bedtime and wakeup messages from your bed
• Overnight News – wakeup to a recap of what went down on your friend and follower feeds while you were sleeping

Aplicatia este destul de interesanta, si pentru cei care isi doresc mai mult decat le poate oferi aplicatia clock din iPhone, iHome + Sleep este inlocuitoarea perfecta, aplicatia este gratuita si poate fi downloadata de aici.
