Skype ofera gratuit acces la functia de apeluri video in grup pentru PC-uri si Xbox One (Video)


  In cursul acestei zile Microsoft a anuntat ca posesorii de PC-uri cu Windows si OS X, plus posesorii de console Xbox One, vor putea efectua apeluri video in grup gratuit. Functia a fost implementata in anul 2010 si oferita numai utilizatorilor Premium ai Skype, insa incepand de astazi ea este disponibila gratuit pe desktop. Dupa cum probabil va imaginati deja, folosind aceasta functie veti putea efectua apeluri video cu mai multi prieteni simultan, alte servicii oferind functii similare.

Skype is proud that, since our beginning, we’ve created opportunities for people to communicate freely and easily, no matter where they are; from keeping in touch with remote family members or calling home when traveling to chatting daily with your close circles of friends. While Skype is known for one to one video calling, we know it’s also essential to connect with the groups of people who matter most, whether friends, family or colleagues. For the last few years, we’ve offered group video calling to Premium users on Windows desktop and Mac and more recently Xbox One. Today, we’re excited to announce that we’re making group video calling free – for all users on these platforms. And, in the future, we’ll be enabling group video calling for all our users across more platforms – at no cost.

  Din pacate cei de la Skype nu au anuntat cand vor oferi gratuit functionalitatea si pentru posesorii de terminale mobile, insa probaibl nu va trece foarte mult timp pana cand veti putea utiliza un iPhone sau o tableta iPad in acelasi scop.