OpenPwn – the open source platform for developing jailbreak solutions

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OpenPwn is an open source project started by Dark Malloc, a member of his team iH8sn0w, which contributed quite a lot to sn0wbreeze and other projects made by iH8sn0w until now, including for the solutions of jailbreak for iPhone OS 4.0.

OpenPwn is a program that represents the starting point for any developer who wants to make solutions for jailbreak for iPhone OS, the idea is very good considering that at the moment there are quite a few people who discover exploits for iPhone OS but they do not have the necessary knowledge/programs to develop them into solutions that could be used on a large scale.

Cu OpenPwn you will be able to make payloads that will be injected into iPhone OS to make jailbreak/decode/other functions, OpenPwn not being a software of jailbreak/decode but only a program with which you could do something like that if you have the necessary exploits/knowledge. YET OpenPwn is only available for Mac OSX but a version for Windows it is in the works and will be available as soon as possible.

So, if you are smart, OpenPwn they are waiting for you.