Jailbreakme.com 3.0 for iPad 2 could be released tomorrow!

When we last talked about jailbreakme 3.0, I told you that we are working on the implementation of a system called unionfs which will considerably reduce the time required to carry out the jailbreak solution. Basically this unionfs is the reason why the jailbreak solution has not been released yet because comex is still struggling to implement it correctly and an hour ago it announced that if it doesn't manage to do this by tomorrow it will remove it from the jailbreak solution. If he removes it, then there is no impediment to the release of jailbreakme.com 3.0 tomorrow, considering that unionfs is the only thing that is still blocking the release.

However, don't be too happy because tomorrow is not the "release day" of new jailbreak solutions and jailbreakme.com 3.0 could only be released on Sunday, probably during the day or night. Regardless of the release day, you will find out on iDevice.ro when and how you will be able to jailbreak the iPad 2.