Geohot participates in iOSDevCamp

A few weeks ago I was telling you that it was geohot employed by Facebook and then many seemed disappointed by the fact that the man who did so much for the iOS community seems to have chosen to leave everything behind. Although geohot hasn't released any jailbreak solutions since the fall of last year, he is still actively involved in projects involving the iOS platform. He is now participating in iOSDevCamp, an annual competition organized by PayPal in which talented developers must produce iOS applications using the iOS SDK and other "web standards such as HTML 5, etc.

The picture above was published by a student located in the PayPal headquarters where iOSDevCamp takes place and it seems that geohot was probably working intensively on the development of an application that could bring him a prize during the event. Many people are still waiting for an unlock solution from geohot, but at the moment the famous hacker seems to only want "anonymity". The student who published the picture said on his Twitter account that geohot just wants to get out of the "spotlight" and lead a quiet life, things we've been hearing for a few months already. Probably the trial with Sony was the last straw for geohot, maybe one day we will see it come out with a new unlock/jailbreak solution that will make millions of people happy.